Academic Positions

  • 2014-: Faculty of Greek, Thessaloniki: Assistant (early Associate) Professor of Modern Greek and Comparative Literature.
  • 2013-14: Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung Fellow.
  • 2012-13: DAAD Visiting Professor of Byzantine, Modern Greek and Comparative Literature, Hamburg University.
  • 2011-12: Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung Fellow.
  • 2010-11: Harvard University, Dumbarton Oaks: Fellow in Byzantine Studies.
  • 2008-9: Princeton University, Program for Hellenic Studies: Mary Seeger O’Boyle Research Fellow. (On leave from Cornell.)
  • 2006-10: Cornell University, Classics Department: Lecturer in Modern Greek.

Professional Activities

Assessor for the U.S. Government, Department of Education: FLAS Fellowships awarded by Cornell University, Institute of European Studies, 2007.

President of Evaluating Committee for Fulbright Scholarships, Cornell University, 2007 and 2009.

Advisor, Hellenic Students Association, Cornell University, 2007-8.

Refereeing/ Reviewing: Anglo-Hellenic Review, Journal of Modern Greek Studies.

Honours and Awards

2014 (April-June): Freie Universität Berlin: Fellow in the programme entitled “Episteme in Bewegung” (with Professor Miltos Pechlivanos).

2012: Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst Award.

2012: Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung, Europa- Forschungsstipendium: University of Cambridge.

2011-12: Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung, Institut für Griechische und Lateinische Philologie, Universtität Hamburg: Fellowship.

2010-11: Dumbarton Oaks, Harvard University: Fellowship in Byzantine Studies.

2009-10: Onassis Foundation, NY: major grant to develop new Greek courses at Cornell.

2007-10: MLA Bibliography Fellowship.

2006, 2007: U.S. Department of Education: National Resource Center (NRC) grant.

2005: International Panagiotakes Prize.

2004: London Hellenic Society: First Graduate Prize.

2004-6: I.F. Costopoulos Foundation Scholarship, Athens.

2003-4: Cambridge University: Ian Karten Scholarship.

2002-6: Cambridge University: Leventis Foundation Scholarship.

2002-6: Bakalas Foundation Scholarship, Athens.

2002: Cambridge University, Selwyn College: Corfield Scholarship.